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LDC Updates for Dock and Shoreline Permitting

On Wednesday, September 6th, the City Council unanimously approved amendments to Land Development Code (LDC) Chapter 7 Environment, Natural Resources and Marine Facilities, Structures and Equipment, Article XII. – Dock and Shoreline Structures; and Chapter 9 Definitions. Click here to view the full ordinance.

A summary of those changes is identified below:

Setbacks in Artificial Waterbodies Sec. 7-358(d)
Side property line setbacks are required for docking facilities. fishing piers. and boardwalks in artificial waterbodies based on water frontage. Structure and vessel limitation limits for lots abutting the end or concave corner of a canal shall be within the angles as shown in 7-358(b) Figures 7-la through 7-le with terms defined in the Definitions Chapter 9. Administrative Deviations may be requested per 7-358(d).

Retaining Walls Sec. 7-359(d)
Setbacks from the waterbody are per the adjacent wetland vegetation and completely in the upland, no longer at a set distance.

Benthic Species Assessments Sec. 7-360
This and additional sections have been altered to require the assessments when resources are expected in the work area.

Dredging Sec. 7-361
This section now allows for temporary storage of dredge material on single-family lots

Lighting on Beach Dune Walkovers 7-363

A change has been made to remove the reference to lighting on beach dune walkovers which is now addressed in the new sea turtle ordinance.