On June 15, 2022, the City of Bonita Springs adopted the following changes to the Land Development Code (LDC) in Ordinance No. 22-03:
Mailed Public Notice
Mailed public notices were formerly sent by the city and were a courtesy. These changes require applicants to mail the public notice at least thirty (30) days prior to Zoning Board public hearing date. Failure to do so will result in a delay and rescheduling of application requests. This request includes amendments to LDC Sec. 4-194. – General submittal requirements for applications requiring public hearing and LDC Sec. 4-229. – Notices.
An updated Affidavit of Mailing Notice is now available. Click here to access Planning and Zoning application documents.
Parking Space Delineation
This change provides a parking lot design alternative that would not require the use of wheel stops to mark all parking spaces. This request includes an amendment to LDC Sec. 4-1728. – Dimensional requirements; delineation of parking spaces.
Drainage Plans
This section was adopted by City Council in 2019 and amended in 2021. These modifications provide clarity for drainage plans not associated with a building permit and a waiver requirement for permits where a drainage plan would not be required. This request includes an amendment to LDC Sec. 4-2224. Clearing, grading or filling of land.
If you have any questions regarding these amendments, please contact Jacqueline Genson at (239) 444-6150.