City of Bonita Springs Community Development Department 9920 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 111, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Telephone 2394446150 Fax 2394446140
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Extended June 19, 2020: Temporary interim regulations for outdoor seating effective May 6, 2020

June 19, 2020


Council has decided to extend its outdoor dining resolution for an additional 45 days, to help businesses during the COVID 19 pandemic. Resolution 20-27, which is set to expire June 20th, 2020, allowed restaurants and food establishments to provide outdoor seating without the need for a City permit provided the establishment registers with the City and complies with the proposed order’s requirements.


Since the adoption of Resolution 20-27, Governor Desantis, through subsequent executive orders has expanded the indoor capacity of restaurants and food establishments from 25 to 50 percent. To facilitate this transition of additional indoor dining and allow for appropriate social distancing, the council will continue the provisions granted by Resolution 20-27 and will revisit the issue at a later date.


May 11, 2020


The City of Bonita Springs City Council adopted Resolution No. 20-27 (local order), which approved interim regulations to provide temporary relief for facilities authorized pursuant to Executive Order 20-112, Section 3B, as may be amended. Eligible facilities (restaurants and food and drink establishments) may utilize up to 2,000 square feet of available outdoor space for additional outdoor seating, notwithstanding any land development code provisions to the contrary, without need for separate permit provided they meet all criteria as set forth in the local order (click to view Resolution No. 20-27 for all fifteen criterion). This local order was adopted and became effective May 6, 2020, and expires within forty-five (45) days if not extended by the Bonita Springs City Council.


Before beginning operations under this local order, businesses must register with City by emailing the name, location, contact information and a description of the outdoor seating arrangements to Future updates to this or subsequent orders will be emailed to registered businesses and periodic inspections may occur during the term of this order.


The City of Bonita Springs Community Development and Neighborhood Services staff are authorized to provide directives or make additional accommodations to registered businesses in order to comply with federal, state, or local regulations. Failure to comply with City officials directives may result in revocation of a business’s authorization for temporary outdoor seating.


This order does not create any additional property rights or entitlements but is expressly intended as a temporary measure to address the current state of emergency. In the event this order expires, registered businesses will have thirty (30) days to cease temporary outdoor seating. Additionally, this order does not waive or reduce standards for the Florida Life and Safety Code. If tents 10’ x 10’ or larger are requested these still need to be reviewed by the Bonita Springs Fire & Rescue District. Tent permits will be processed as they were before this emergency order. Applications can be delivered to Community Development and will be picked up by the Fire Marshal.