The following is a perfect example of a submittal which was processed through zoning and building review seamlessly (due to very detailed measurements). Whenever staff determines uncertainly exists, staff will require such submittal for accurate review.
Information on height measurement and proper site-plan submittal may be found here:
Vertical Setbacks:
Property lines depicted vertically on elevation drawings with setback measurements (clearly labeled and delineated). Additionally, note height measurements clearly labeled and delineated. This type of submittal eliminates possible uncertainties, and aids in expediting the permitting review process. (click images to view full size).

P-line is submitted to clearly illustrate impervious footprint (at ground level) with square footage. This is most useful when establishing maximum lot coverage governed by the zoning district where the property is located. Providing such will facilitate the review process and eliminate possible delays where uncertainties may exists.

Authorization to post renderings received by design professional.