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City of Bonita Springs Community Development Department 9920 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 111, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Telephone 2394446150 Fax 2394446140
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Signs – Submittal Requirements

The following are items which are required when submitting for signage permits.  Please review the items carefully to avoid unnecessary delays in the permitting process. A letter from the property owner or management company identifying and approving the proposed sign and location is required for all sign permits.


Wall Sign


Unified Sign Plan: For multiple occupancy tenant complex (2 or more tenants) a Unified Sign Plan must be submitted. The Unified Sign Plan does not need to be engineered, or designed by an architect. However, it must be reviewed and approval by the City Architect and become part of a permanent file for future reference. Requests to permit a new sign, or to relocate, replace, or structurally alter an existing sign must be accompanied by a unified sign plan for the building or project the sign is accessory to. Existing permitted signs may remain in place; however, all future requests for permits, whether for a new sign, or relocation, alteration, or replacement of an existing sign, must adhere to the unified sign plan for the property (in accordance with LDC. 3-494 Unified Sign Plan).




Picture of sample unified sign-plan.

Picture of storefront elevation depicting sign-band area.

Sign band with sign measurements: A wall sign may not exceed 80% of the sign-band area in all directions.


In accordance with LDC. Sec. 6-113(4)(a): No sign shall exceed 80 percent of the width of the unit(s) or the building with a minimum 10 percent clear on each outer edge of the unit(s) or of the building.


Try our sign-band calculator by entering sign-band measurements (width and height) to determine the maximum size your sign can be. Enter values using feet or inches (not both).


Sign Band Calculator


Sign band width:* feet or inches


Maximum sign width at 80%: feet or inches


Sign band height:* feet or inches


Maximum sign height at 80%: feet or inches



Click to preview illustration of prohibited/permitted sign placement relative to the 80% rule.

The following is interpreted as the definition of a sign-band of a facade as noted below. Measurements must be provided with each sign permit where applicable.

Picture of storefront depicting 80% rule for tenant occupied area.

New Monument/Ground Sign


In accordance with LDC. Sec. 6-113 the maximum dimensions for a new conforming monument sign are 8 ft height x 12 ft width (Ordinance 15-03, page 36).

Picture of monument sign with conforning height and width measurements.

  1. Site-plan showing exact location of proposed sign
  2. Sign rendering showing full measurements, with landscaping superimposed

Existing Non-conforming Monument Sign (tenant copy-change)


Any monument sign (City wide) which exceeds 8’ high (measured from the crown of the servicing road) and 12’ wide, shall be considered a non-conforming sign and will be subject to regulations in the non-conforming section of the sign code.


Picture of non-conforming monument sign depicting tenant panels with percentages.


For a tenant copy change on a non-conforming monument sign, our office must receive the following:


  1. A current picture of the existing monument sign showing all tenant panels.
  2. The total square footage of the entire copy area which will total 100%. Each tenant panel (not letters and/or logos) changed will count toward the 25% yearly permitted copy change. Every subsequent panel change will accrue toward 25% permitted within a twelve (12) month period – in accordance with Sec. 6-39(c). Once 25% has been reached; no further copy changes will be permitted until a twelve (12) month period has elapsed, or until the sign is brought into conformity with current code.
  3. Twelve (12) month period: The twelve (12) month period begins when the twenty five (25) threshold has been reached, starting when the first tenant panel change was permitted.
    1. Specifically:
      1. Sign #1 @ 10% – applied: 02-07-2015 (15% balance remaining)
      2. Sign #2 @ 05% – applied: 07-10-2015 (10% balance remaining)
      3. Sign #3 @ 10% – applied: 10-12-2015 (00% remaining) 12 month count begins from date sign #1 was applied. This means 10% will become available again 02-07-2016 — prior to this date no additional panel changes will be permitted.
    2. This allows property owners to change tenant panel(s) earlier as opposed to starting the 12 month cycle from the date of the last permit.

Once a tenant panel has been changed, the background color will become the default color for all subsequent tenant panel changes. This is required in order to comply with uniformity addressed in the new sign code.


Picture of driveway showing ingres /egress with visibility triangle comliance.


6-71 (a) Visibility triangleNo sign shall be erected which would impair visibility at a street intersection or driveway entrance. Within the area formed by the right-of-way lines of intersecting streets or streets and driveways, and a straight line connecting points on such right-of-way lines at a distance of 25 feet from their point of intersection, such connecting lines extending beyond the points to the curved lines, there shall be a cleared space with no obstructions between the height of three feet and the height of ten feet above the average grade of each street as measured at the centerline thereof.


Signs proposed within an easement (as determined by a survey or plat) must obtain administrative approval by completing the following documents:

  1. Admin Action Application
  2. Admin Action Supp. G (Easement Encroachment)

We encourage applicants to download and carefully read the new code as it contains the above information in much greater detail. If you’re still unclear; or are in need of additional assistance, please call the planner-on-call, by dialing (239) 444-6166. The new sign ordinance may be downloaded by visiting MuniCode online.