Please DO NOT call the Community Development office to check the status of your permit. 
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City of Bonita Springs Community Development Department 9920 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 111, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Telephone 2394446150 Fax 2394446140
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Environmental Sciences

Click the following questions to expand/contract answers provided by staff. If you require additional information, please dial (239) 444-6150 and our receptionist will route your call to staff who will assist you.



Picture of bald eagles.In August of 2007, the Bald Eagle was delisted from its threatened status under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). However, Bald Eagles remain protected under the Federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.


In 2008, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FFWCC) adopted the Bald Eagle Management Plan that enlists the support of local governments in Bald Eagle conservation and management. The City of Bonita Springs has provided assistance to FFWCC by monitoring the protected eagle buffer zones throughout the City. In addition, the City has also adopted a local eagle protection ordinance that further protects, enhances, and preserves the nest of the Bald Eagle and its immediate environment.



Helpful Links:

For further information, contact Environmental Sciences at (239) 444-6142 or Laura Gibson.


Photo courtesy of James Unland



No, a permit is not needed for minor repairs and maintenance such as re-decking. If structural repairs are being made, then a permit is needed.



Yes, a type 99 Limited Development Order is required to change the landscaping on a multifamily, commercial, or industrially zoned land.



Yes, for single family and duplex residences your building permit is your clearing permit. For all other construction, a Vegetation Removal Permit is issued to remove trees and vegetation.



In an effort to provide expedited customer service we are implementing the following process and procedure for applicants that use Courier Service Providers.

  1. Please have all Courier Service Providers submit and pick up at the City of Bonita Springs Building Department, located at 9220 Bonita Beach Rd. Suite 111, Bonita Springs, FL 34135.
    1. Please provide your Courier Service Provider with the following information for all permit submissions:
    2. Project name and permit type.
  1. Applicable permit fee in accordance with the City of Bonita Springs Community Development Fee Schedule.
    1. Courier Service Providers must wait until the application has been checked for intake. Insufficient applications may be turned away without proper documentation from staff.
    2. Please provide your Courier Service Provider with the following information for all permit pickups:
    3. Project name; permit number, and staff contact
  1. Any outstanding permit fees must be paid or the permit may be withheld. All outstanding fees may be viewed through the Community Development ePortal.


Our Environmental Sciences staff enforces Sea Turtle compliance. Please call (239) 444-6142 for assistance.