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Dwelling Unit Defined

Sec. 4-2. – Definitions.


Dwelling unit means a room or rooms connected together, which could constitute a separate, independent housekeeping establishment for a family, for owner occupancy, or for rental or lease on a weekly, monthly or longer basis, and physically separated from any other rooms or dwelling units which may be in the same structure, and containing sleeping and sanitary facilities and one kitchen. The term “dwelling unit” does not include rooms in hotels, motels or institutional facilities. See Housing unit and Living unit.


Building, conventional, means:

  1. A building, built upon the site and upon its own permanent foundation, constructed of basic materials such as wood, masonry or metal or minimally prefabricated components such as roof trusses, wall panels and bathroom/kitchen modules, and conformable to the locally adopted building, electrical, plumbing and other related codes; or
  2. A building manufactured off the site in conformance with F.S. ch. 553, pt. IV (or F.A.C. ch. 9B-1), subsequently transported to its site complete or in modules and fixed to its own foundation with no intention to relocate.

Dwelling unit, types.

  1. Duplex means a single, freestanding, conventional building on a single lot, designed for two dwelling units under single ownership, or wherein each dwelling unit is separately owned or leased but the lot is held under common ownership.
  2. Single-family residence means a single, freestanding, conventional building designed for one dwelling unit and which could be used for occupancy by one family.
  3. Two-family attached means a single, freestanding, conventional building designed as two dwelling units attached by a common wall or roof, but wherein each unit is located on a separate lot under separate ownership.
  4. Townhouse means a group of three or more dwelling units attached to each other by a common wall or roof wherein each unit has direct exterior access and no unit is located above another, and each unit is completely separated from any others by a rated firewall or a fire and sound resistant enclosed separation or space, and wherein each dwelling unit is on a separate lot under separate ownership.
  5. Mobile home means a building, manufactured off the site in conformance with the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR 3280 et seq.), subsequently transported to a site complete or in sections where it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with F.A.C. ch. 15C-1, with the distinct possibility of being relocated at a later date.
  6. Modular home. See Building conventional #2 above
  7. Multiple-family building means a group of three or more dwelling units within a single conventional building, attached side by side, or one above another, or both, and wherein each dwelling unit may be individually owned or leased but the land on which the building is located is under common or single ownership. Dwelling units, other than caretaker’s quarters, which are included in a building which also contains permitted commercial uses shall also be deemed to be multiple-family dwelling units.
  8. Zero lot line means a dwelling unit with at least one wall of a building on a side or rear line of the lot on which it stands.

Sec. 9-27. – Definitions.


Duplex means a single, freestanding, conventional building on a single lot, designed for two dwelling units under single ownership, or wherein each dwelling unit is separately owned or leased but the lot is held under common ownership.


Mobile home means a building, manufactured off the site in conformance with the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR 3280 et seq.), subsequently transported to a site complete or in sections where it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with F.A.C. ch. 15C-1, with the distinct possibility of being relocated at a later date. Mobile homes not located within an established mobile home park will be treated as a single-family residence for impact fee calculation purposes.


Multifamily means multiple-family building, duplex, two-family attached, townhouse and timeshare, as those terms are defined in this section.


Multiple-family building means a group of three or more dwelling units within a single conventional building, attached side by side, or one above another, or both, and wherein each dwelling unit may be individually owned or leased but the land on which the building is located is under common or single ownership. Dwelling units, other than caretaker’s quarters, which are included in a building which also contains permitted commercial uses shall also be deemed to be multiple-family dwelling units.


Single-family residence means a single, freestanding, conventional building designed for one dwelling unit and which could be used for occupancy by one family.