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Downtown Development District White Paper Report

The City of Bonita Springs City Council directed staff to prepare a white paper report to provide information or proposals on the variety of topics related to downtown. Topics include discussion on the vision, infrastructure, uses, expansion of and targeted uses for the Industrial Street area, parking, signage, housing, Baxter Street connectivity, traffic calming at Dean Street and Old 41, approved private sector projects, bonus density, inventory of vacant property, and correspondence from the Bonita Springs Downtown Alliance.


The white paper is intended to provide a general synopsis of those topics based on data and analysis obtained from a variety of city departments, consultants, and study archives. City staff discussed the report content at a workshop on December 18, 2017. Members of the public participated.


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White Paper Old 41 Redevelopment Overlay

Appendix A Bonita Springs Town Center Overlay Zoning Master Plan Documentation DRAFT 1995

Appendix B RMPK Old U.S. 41 Corridor Redevelopment Master Plan

Appendix C Bob Gibbs Bonita Springs Retail Study

Appendix D Ordinance No. 13-01 Old U.S. 41 Redevelopment Overlay Color Palette

Appendix E Ordinance No. 13-09 Amend LDC Chapter 4 Zoning and Chapter 6 Signs Downtown Redevelopment Area

Appendix F Ordinance No. 15-02 Amend LDC Color Palette for Old U.S. 41 Redevelopment Overlay District

Appendix G Ordinance No. 15 08 Amend LDC Chapter 4 to Revise Users Permitted in the Old U.S. 41 Redevelopment Overlay District

Appendix H Ordinance No. 15-21 Amend LDC Sec. 4-868-4-869 and 4-872 Modify Some Uses in the Old U.S. 41 Redevelopment Urban Core

Appendix I Ordinance No. 16-01 Old U.S. 41 Redevelopment Overlay Bonus Density

Appendix J Old 41 Regs LDC 4

Appendix K Mosaic Bonus Density Agreement June 2016