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City of Bonita Springs Community Development Department 9920 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 111, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Telephone 2394446150 Fax 2394446140
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Hurricane Ian

For the latest City Hall Advisories and Resource Information, please click here.


Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023: Hurricane Restoration Reimbursement Grant monies have been made available by the state for sand replacement costs for qualifying properties on beaches. Please see this link for further information. 


Monday, Oct. 24, 2022: An updated Native Trees and Palms list for use in Bonita Springs, Florida is now available. Please click here to view the document.


Lee County announces 1 million cubic yards of debris collected: Fort Myers, FL, Oct. 24, 2022 – Lee County reached an important milestone during the weekend by collecting 1 million cubic yards of debris from Hurricane Ian. As of Monday morning, 734,136 cubic yards of vegetation and 285,282 cubic yards of construction and demolition debris have been cleaned up. That is roughly equivalent to the size of 1.1 million kitchen ovens removed from the road right-of-ways in unincorporated Lee County.


During the entire Hurricane Irma cleanup effort in 2017, Lee County removed 1.95 million cubic yards of debris in about four and a half months. With the current pace, Lee County expects to have removed the same amount of Hurricane Ian debris by the week of November 7. This represents a collection rate 77% faster than collections after Hurricane Irma.


Roughly 25% of the estimated 4 million cubic yards that had been sitting curbside has already been collected. Due to the extensive damage countywide, county staff expect that more debris will be brought to the curb in the coming months.


First-pass collection on Estero Boulevard in Fort Myers Beach south to Hickory Boulevard in Bonita Springs tackled another kind of debris. The roadway was completely covered in sand that required removal to allow safe passage for vehicle traffic. To date, 69,648 cubic yards of dirty sand has been collected and taken to multiple debris management sites to be screened of debris.


Lee County has been cleaning its beaches in order to receive the newly-screened sand in an effort to begin restoration of the coastline. Currently, around 10% of the cleaned sand has been returned to local beaches.


For more information, visit the Lee County site, or follow @Lee County Government on Facebook.


Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022: COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE EMERGENCY PERMITTING – At this time, there is no publicly funded plan for clean-up or restoration work on private properties. All beach debris must be piled at the curb for pick-up.


The state of Florida Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) emergency permitting requirements apply to post storm recovery activities seaward of the coastal construction control lines. For information on what activities, conditions, and permits are needed such as for debris removal, return of overwashed sand to the beach, repair/replacement activities, and other CCCL Emergency Permitting Resources, refer to the CCCL Post-Storm Emergency Guidance for Private Property Owners and Managers.


Monday, Oct. 17, 2022: Temporary access plan to Fort Myers Beach from southern bridges implemented to speed recovery. Click here to read more.


Friday, Oct. 14, 2022:  FPL is going to be setting up a tent at FGCU Vester Marine & Env Research Field Station this weekend (both Saturday and Sunday) from 8-5.  If anyone has questions or concerns regarding their electric or damaged equipment, they can go to this location and be able to speak directly with someone.


Friday, Oct. 14, 2022:  In accordance with the Future Land Use Element Policy 1.5.1, following a natural disaster, land may be redeveloped in accordance with the Future Land Use Map or, at the landowner’s option, in accordance with the “build-back” policy outlined below. This policy applies where development is damaged by and allows for the following options:

  1. Buildings/development damaged less than 50% of their replacement cost (measured at the time of damage) may be rebuilt to their original condition, subject only to current building and life safety codes; however, this threshold is reduced to 20% for buildings previously damaged by flooding of $50,000 or more under the National Flood Insurance Program.
  2. Buildings/development damaged more than 50% of their replacement cost may be rebuilt to their legally documented actual use, density, intensity, size, height, and style provided the new construction complies with:
    1. federal requirements for elevation above the 100-year flood level;
    2. any building code requirements for flood-proofing;
    3. current building and life safety codes;
    4. Coastal Construction Control Line requirements; and,
    5. any required zoning or other development regulations (other than use, density, intensity, size, height or style) except where compliance with such regulations would preclude reconstruction otherwise intended by this policy.
  3. Redevelopment of damaged property is not allowed for a more intense use or at a density higher than the original lawful density except where such higher density is permitted under this (comprehensive) plan and the City’s land development regulations.
  4. To further implement this policy, the City may establish blanket reductions in non-vital development regulations (e.g., buffering, open space requirements, etc.) to minimize the need for individual variances prior to reconstruction. The Land Development Code may also establish procedures to document actual uses, density, and intensities, and compliance with regulations in effect at the time of construction, through such means as photographs, diagrams, plans, affidavits, permits, appraisals, tax records, etc.

Site work associated with storm related damage requires local development order review and approval for uses as outlined in LDC Sec. 3-78.  Compliance with the LDC (other than use, density, intensity, size, height or style) is required except where compliance with such regulations would preclude reconstruction otherwise intended by Future Land Use Element Policy 1.5. For additional information, please contact Development Services at (239) 444-6150.


Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022: The City of Bonita Springs permit counter is open. Residents and business owners must obtain the necessary building permits and inspections to remedy damage to current inhabitable homes and businesses. Certain permits related to storm damage may be given priority over the processing of other work. Building permit fees associated with storm related damage will be waived.


Work not requiring a permit:

  • Removal of debris from on or inside a structure
  • Minor demolition to prevent injury or prevent further damage
  • Structural shoring and bracing
  • Replacement of broken glass within existing faming for windows and doors
  • Repair/Replacement of soffit and gutters
  • Roof shingle replacement of 1 square of shingles (10’ by 10’ area, or less)
  • Minor non-structural repairs made to the exterior of structures
  • Repair of minor water leaks that do not involve structural, mechanical, or electrical systems.

The substantial improvement or substantial damage rule (aka FEMA 50% rule) for properties within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) is still in effect and will be enforced during this period.


Don’t know if your property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area? Click here to find your flood zone.


If your home or business has incurred storm related damage, do not hire an unlicensed contractor. Before hiring a contractor, ask for their name and license number then use the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) Online Services website to verify licensed individuals for those professions and businesses that are regulated by the DPBR. Click here to search Contractor Licensing.


Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022

  • City of Bonita Springs Beach residents will no longer need the Early Access Passes to access the Bonita Beach area beginning October 14.  Please click here for more information.

Friday, Oct. 7, 2022

  • Hickory Island Emergency Access Affidavit is now available, please click here.

  • Does your house or structure have a door tag notice posted? Please click here for an explanation of the door tag notice.

  • Temporary Housing policies are now available, please click here for more information.

ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS: Beware of hiring unlicensed contractors to perform restoration or repairs related to Hurricane Ian. Please refer to the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation website to verify a contractor’s license. 


ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: Out-of-state contractors please refer to the State’s Reciprocity and Substantially Equivalent Exams for more information on obtaining a license.


COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE EMERGENCY PERMITTING: The state of Florida Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) emergency permitting requirements apply to post storm recovery activities seaward of the coastal construction control lines established for 25 sandy beach counties or seaward of a 50-foot setback from mean high water on beaches of coastal counties without established CCCLs. For more information, please refer to their website.